
Fermented Guarapo, a Farmers Fuel

OBELO | Fermented Guarapo
OBELO | Fermented Guarapo

Last month, on a hike up the river behind my dad's house, we came across José Malavera's farm. He was actually excited to have some unexpected guests and gave us a tour. He grows legumes and raises pigs, chickens and turkeys. While showing us around, he graciously offered a cup of fermented Guarapo (a sort of sugarcane wine). He usually has a Totuma (a cup made from a hollow gourd) or two throughout the day to keep him going. It was pretty strong, but definitely a much needed energy boost after hiking all morning.

Guarapo jugs are never totally emptied. Once they get low, more fresh guarapo is added, and a new batch ferments with what's left from the previous batch. Making it an ever evolving brew.

We also bought chickens from him, we chose two of his largest ones and didn't even negotiate a price, just made an offer and with a nod of his head, he approved the fair deal. That night, we grilled them on the parilla for dinner. It doesn't get much more local than chicken from a hidden farm, in what's practically your backyard.

OBELO | Fermented Guarapo
OBELO | Fermented Guarapo

Music and Drinks from the Colombian Pacific

OBELO | Guarapo

While walking around Cali yesterday we came across a concert with bands from Colombia’s Pacific Coast. The most popular style of music from there is called Currulao. Its largely afro-influenced, the main instrument is a Marimba, a wooden xylophone originally from Africa. Like any concert, there was also plenty to eat and drink. 

OBELO | Guarapo
OBELO | Guarapo
OBELO | Guarapo

Here’s a vendor making Guarapo, a raw sugarcane juice with lime. The raw juice is full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and it’s sweet and refreshing.

To make Guarapo, he cuts the sugarcane in half the long way, making it easier to pass through the press. The press, or trapiche, extracts the raw juice from the sugarcane, sending the crushed cane out the other side. If they were making panela, the raw juice would be slowly heated over low heat until most of the water evaporates and becomes a thick syrup. But here they add some fresh lime juice and viola, Guarapo

OBELO | Viche

We also met Camilo. He makes traditional Afro-Pacifico alcohol from sugarcane. He made us try every single one.😜

First we tried the Viche, a super strong, clear liquor made from sugarcane. Viche doesn't have a distinct flavor, it tastes kind of like vodka. For centuries Viche was used as a stomach medicine and aphrodisiac. Now, just the latter.😉 Next we tried the Arrechon, which is Viche with condensed milk, cloves and cinnamon. It tastes pretty good, but I’m not into milk + liquor. We finished with a shot of Tomaseca, my favorite. Tomaseca is kind of like an apéritif. It’s Viche infused with herbs and spices that give it a warm, woody taste.